Android devices have long included native tethering support, and most carriers have finally gotten comfortable enough with tethering to allow users on capped data plans to use the feature without paying extra. That said, an Android device connected to a tethered hotspot doesn't know it's using mobile data. All it sees is a Wi-Fi access point, and that can pose problems.
9 mobile hotspots
It's time your phone start treating tethered handsets with the respect they deserve.
If you’ve set your apps to auto-update or have files automatically backed up over Wi-Fi, you could accidentally blow through most of the hotspot’s data plan in a few minutes. To avoid this, you should be teaching your devices which Wi-Fi networks are actually mobile hotspots. This will apply system-wide settings for mobile data even though, for all intents and purposes, your phone thinks it’s connected to Wi-Fi.
In the Data Usage menu, use the overflow menu button to select Mobile Hotspots. The screen that comes up will list all the Wi-Fi networks synced with your account data. Simply add a checkmark next to the ones that are hotspots, and your device won't abuse the data. This feature dovetails nicely with the background data restriction mentioned above.
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