Android devices are faster than they used to be, but you can make your experience feel even zippier with one simple tweak. Android contains a hidden developer options menu that you can enable by going into your main system settings, then navigating to About>Software Information>More>Build number. Now tap on the build number—literally, tap on it numerous times—until a small message at the bottom of the screen confirms that you’re a developer.
4 android animations
Why suffer even marginally slow animations when your processor can handle faster speeds?
Now, don’t worry. This doesn't make any modifications to your system. It just turns on the Developer Options menu back in the main settings list—so head back there and open it up. Developer Options has a ton of interesting features to play around with, but you can also mess things up pretty badly, so it's best not to change anything you haven't thoroughly researched. You’ve been warned.
Now back to animations. Inside Developer options, tap the Advanced menu, and then what we're looking for is about half way down. Window animation scale, Transition animation scale, and Animator duration scale are all set to 1x by default. These animations are the eye candy you see when apps open and close, menus open, and more. They help cover up lag as the system catches up, but you don't really need slow settings on a fast device. You can set all of these to 0.5x for a more snappy UI experience.
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